When we sit for long periods of time, it takes a toll on our health in ways we may not realize. In fact, researchers have reported that sitting for long hours has been linked to a decreased state of mental health, a higher risk of death from heart disease, and a higher risk of disability. Additionally, these studies have proven that even if you exercise regularly, too much sitting is bad. This is why Dr. Kent Carlomagno at Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center encourages you to get up and get moving.
If you sit more than eight hours a day, it’s definitely not benefitting your health; you are shutting down the function of your central/peripheral nervous systems function to innervate your body and muscles which begins the process of elastic soft tissue deformity, aging and spinal vertebral nerve compression leading eventually to chronic health problems from spinal compression and irritated/ pseudo pinched nerves. You may think you’re confined to your cubical, (or your couch) but it doesn’t hurt to get up and take a stroll, even if it’s for just a few minutes. If you have a desk job, taking a quick walk can clear your mind and get the oxygen flowing to your brain. Here are some tips for doing so:
- Never take the elevator when you can take the stairs
- Plan more active things to do after work
- Instead of sending an email or picking up the phone, walk over and talk to that person.
- While enjoying your morning coffee, take a few laps around the office.
- You may also perform isometric contractions of muscles for 5-10 seconds while sitting to activate the nervous system and maintain muscle tone
To learn more about the conditions we treat and the services we provide at Summit Chiropractic Health and Longevity Center, visit www.summitchiro.net for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kent Carlomagno in San Rafael, CA, call 415-721-7520.