Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Exciting and Effective as it is Gentle: A Look at Laser Light Therapy

Exciting and Effective as it is Gentle: A Look at Laser Light Therapy

It’s exciting to think of how far we’ve come with wellness technology.  In just the last few decades, chiropractic was commonly thought of as little more than spinal adjustments for neck pain and back pain.  While that’s an essential and effective part of what I do as a doctor of chiropractic, I’m always eager to learn about innovations in wellness therapies—and think: How can they benefit my patients?  One such technology that is emerging and growing across numerous industries is the use of lasers.  When it comes to addressing health conditions with lasers, it’s not just dentists and eye doctors that have used them to improve their services and treatment abilities.  Lasers also have a place in the chiropractic office, including Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center.  While laser therapies have been around for some time, and have earned a tried and trusted reputation in the process, more of my and my colleagues’ patients are becoming interested in how laser light therapies may be able to benefit them.  I wanted to address some of the common questions I receive about laser light therapy, and explain just how this unique type of treatment can make you feel great!

First, is laser light therapy safe?  For some people, they hear the term laser and they think intense power and heat which has no place near the human body.  But like any form of energy, the intensity of laser light can be modified and controlled as needed for certain purposes.  The laser that I use as part of my cold laser, or low level laser, therapy is effective though quite gentle.  It can be safely used on most parts of the body and on patients in various age-ranges and conditions.  One of the primary benefits of low level laser light therapy is that it’s very non-invasive, gentle and soothing, all while being effective to penetrate cellular tissues well below the surface of the patient’s skin.  It’s one of the most efficient and safest ways to soften tension spots and break up inflammation by doing little more using a light-emitting wand.

The way in which the laser light therapy is used is important.  Since a laser can be focused and controlled with ease, I’m able to provide targeted treatment to certain areas.  This therapy can be adjusted based on how you’re feeling and based upon the unique attributes and stages of your condition.  It’s highly versatile and enables me to give custom catered care, which is greatly appreciated by my patients.

Many who are curious about this therapy want to know what the low level laser feels like.  While the sensation may vary based on where the laser is used and your own sensitivities, many patients describe the feeling as soothing and warm.  Patients who come to see me for back and neck pain often state that it’s one of their favorite forms of treatment.  Additionally, my patients who are healing from various injuries or living with joint and inflammatory disorders have experienced great healing benefit from this form of treatment.

If  low level laser light therapy sounds like something you’d want to try, contact me at my chiropractic and longevity center in San Rafael, CA: 415-721-7520 or visit my website.  Many patients have been pleasantly surprised with how effective this treatment can be even though it’s so gentle.  I would be happy to discuss if and how laser light therapy can be used as a complimentary treatment to your current wellness program.  

Yours in health,

Dr. Kent G. Carlomagno, D.C.

Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Running Syndromes and Targeted Treatment with Sports Chiropractic

Running Syndromes and Targeted Treatment with Sports Chiropractic

Running is a fantastic exercise for the body, mind and spirit.  As our feet hit and lift from the ground, each motion propels us towards a healthier, happier state of being.  Running can help us feel free, focused, clear and accomplished.  Regular running can add up to a plethora of benefits that include better heart heath, improved immune function, balance of cholesterol, disease prevention, decrease in stress and depression, and an overall greater sense of wellbeing and energy.  For all of these positive results of running, there are really few disadvantages.  The same skeletal and muscular movement that enables our bodies to benefit from running will occasionally need maintenance and care to prevent various strain and injury.  When such problems do occur, they result in a number of issues that I refer to as running syndromes.

Running syndromes occasionally slowdown many of my athletic patients.  They affect those individuals who run daily and consider themselves runners, first and foremost.  Running syndromes also affect other athletes and players who run as part of their training and fitness programs.  My primary goal is to help my patients prevent running syndromes in the first place, which is accomplished through regular sports chiropractic care to keep your spine, joints and muscles in peak performance condition and enable your body to absorb the motion that’s fundamental to athletic movement.  Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for me see a patient that needs care and assistance in recovering from a running syndrome. What are these syndromes? They are many, but the most common tend to be shin splints, snapping hip syndrome, pulled hamstrings, piriformis syndrome, severs syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, Osgood-Schlatters disease, and cartilage breakdown-- which is known as a number of problems, including runner’s knee. Sprains, stress fractures and various forms of tendonitis are all fairly common as well.

These problems can easily keep runners from doing what they love for long periods of time.  Too often, conventional medicine treats the symptoms of these conditions, such as soreness and pain, but the affected area is never truly addressed.  This frequently means that athletes will reinjure the same region over and over again. Fortunately, the reinjure cycle can be stopped through chiropractic care.  Sports chiropractic differs from standard medicine in its targeted, corrective and preventative approach.  Through adjustments, joint and muscle focused therapies and recovery speeding treatments, like those that I offer at my practice, runners and other athletes can restore the harmony of their complex biological networks and achieve top performance.  I invite any runners and athletes out there, whether you’ve sustained an injury or you simply want to continue performing at your best, to come see how sports chiropractic can benefit you. Contact me directly at my chiropractic and longevity center in San Rafael, CA: 415-721-7520 or visit my website for more information.

And for my patients who want to take an active step towards health and longevity by starting a running or fitness program, come see me and I’ll be happy to help you prepare.  

Yours in health,

Dr. Kent G. Carlomagno, D.C.

Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center