Saturday, November 14, 2015

How Colder Weather Affects the Body

How Colder Weather Affects the Body

It is no surprise that cold weather can make us uncomfortable. However, did you know that cold weather actually has physical effects on the body that make you more than just chilly? Striving to help our patients live a healthy life, here at Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center in San Rafael, we want our patients to be aware of these body changes.

During the fall and winter, temperatures drop to a chillier climate. This information will also be fitting for anyone taking ski trips or other trips to colder climates during the holidays. The way the cold weather affects our body is usually not positive.


Illnesses like influenza go around more in the winter due to the drier, colder air. Mucus membranes dry out in the cold weather and make it easier for the flu virus to enter the body. In addition, the virus itself survives longer in colder weather. Cold viruses and Flue breed during  colder weather and Immunity governed thru rest nutrition and stress play roles governing immunity and resistance to sickness.

Aches and Pains

The colder temperatures also cause our muscles and joints to stiffen. Our muscles lose elasticity making them harder to stretch out. Cold air also changes the thickness of our joint fluid, which can be painful for some people.


There are also other hazards to the body like hypothermia and frostbite. This is why it is important to bundle up. Heath hazards include an increase in exercise-induced asthma symptoms, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular problems.

The solution to the problems cold weather may create includes taking extra precautions. Bundle up when you are outside, stretch and warm up muscles before doing any physical activity, and wash your hands frequently. For those with asthma or cardiac issues, avoid doing any strenuous activity outside in the cold weather. This, along with talking with us about longevity and wellness will keep you on the right track! To schedule an appointment at Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center of San Rafael, CA, call us at (415) 721-7520 or visit our website,

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