Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How to Avoid “Text Neck”

In this day in age, it’s almost impossible for adults to put the phones down, let alone out of sight. When we spend minutes, even hours at a time, reading the news or responding to texts and emails, this can wreak havoc on our neck and spine. There are many ways to avoid straining the neck while spending time on your phone, and Dr. Kent Carlomagno of Summit Chiropractic Health and Longevity Center is here to give you a few tips.  

Our mobile devices can have our heads leaning forward, down, and sometimes sideways. As the neck bends, this puts muscle strain on the shoulders and surrounding extremities. A simple solution to avoiding text neck is to look down with your eyes and not your neck. Try elevating the phone to your eye level and do your best to prevent fatigue. Additionally, it helps to take frequent breaks from your phone, and change positions when uncomfortable.

Repeated use of the phone up to the ear more than 5 hours per day has shown to have created an increase in the incidence of brain cancer due to emf wave disruption of brain cell DNA tissue.

If you have questions or concerns about chiropractic care, please give us a call. To learn more about the conditions we treat and the services we provide at Summit Chiropractic Health and Longevity Center, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kent Carlomagno in San Rafael, CA, call 415-721-7520.

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