Located deep in the buttock, below the gluteus maximus, the piriformis muscle extends from the sacrum to the outer hip bone and is responsible for stabilizing the hip joint and lifting and rotating the thighs away from the body. When this muscle is in pain, it can often be confused with sciatica because it produces a similar pain in the lower back and into the legs. This pain is called piriformis syndrome and is caused when the piriformis muscle becomes shortened or tightened or when the muscle spasms and becomes inflamed. When inflamed, the muscle can put pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs beneath it. If you are experiencing pain, tingling or numbness in your lower back, buttocks and legs, Dr. Kent Carlomagno can relive your pain and restore you to health.
A common factor that leads to the development of piriformis syndrome is the performance of activities with excessive weight bearing, changing direction and running. This means that many athletes, namely runners and weight lifters, suffer from this condition. Externally rotating the hip for extended periods of time is another factor. This is most often seen in ballet dancers and those who walk with their feet turned outward. Misalignment of the pelvis bones can also be involved.
Chiropractic adjustments, stretching and strengthening exercises can be combined with inferential microcurrent therapy to treat piriformis syndrome to reduce spasms and tightness and help the muscle heal. If caused by the way you walk, foot orthotics may be necessary.
To schedule an appointment at Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center in San Rafael, CA, call (415) 721-7520. For more information, please visit www.summitchiro.net.
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