When striving to eat healthily, it’s important to pick the right foods to put on your plate. Things that may sound healthy, such as whole grain bread, or all natural-chicken, may appear nutritious, but looks are deceiving. Dr. Kent Carlomagno of Summit Chiropractic Health and Longevity Center isn’t telling you to read every nutritional label on every item you buy, but it doesn’t hurt to be aware of things to look for when opting for a better lifestyle.
Everyone needs a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, in addition to vitamins and minerals for an optimal diet. Foods that disguise themselves as healthy, such as salads, and granola bars, can contain added sugars, or processed ingredients that provide us with no nutritional value. When it comes to eating fresh, it’s important to have the freshest ingredients available. Avoid snacks and entrees that contain added salts, added sugars, and try to go the “homemade” route when you can. Eat non-GMO, whole grain grass-fed foods from stores like Whole foods, Trader Joes, and ones that come in natural, instead of plastic, wrapping.
If you have questions or concerns about chiropractic care or nutrition, please give us a call. To learn more about the conditions we treat and the services we provide at Summit Chiropractic Health and Longevity Center, visit www.summitchiro.net for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kent Carlomagno in San Rafael, CA, call 415-721-7520.
Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia. Some of the symptoms of this disease are memory loss, problems performing familiar tasks, vision problems, and personality changes. Alzheimer's treatment