Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sitting Positions for Less Back Pain

Chiropractic care is typically sought out by people seeking relief from neck or back pain.  At Dr. Kent Carlomagno’s Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center, we treat patients and relieve pain, but patient self-care is just as important for their continued health. Simple changes to everyday habits can help you live a pain-free life.  So many of us spend hours each day sitting, between working at computer desks, watching TV, and commuting to work. All of this sitting can cause back pain, making it the most common reason patients visit the chiropractor.  Making a few adjustments to how you sit can ease this stress, help alleviate back pain, and minimize future visits.

Believe it or not, you’ll put less stress on your back when you don’t sit up straight. Leaning back just enough so that your thighs are at a 135-degree angle with your torso is an optimal seated position for preventing back pain. Long periods of sitting are what really increase the risk of muscle pulls, strains, and cramps. So if you don’t have time to walk around and stretch at work, try switching between sitting and standing, and look for opportunities to lean back a little!  

If you suffer from back pain, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn more about all the treatments available at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kent Carlomagno at Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center at 710 C Street, Suite #12, San Rafael, California, 94901 call 415-721-7520.

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