Your back muscles are the largest muscle group in the body and it’s important to keep them strong. Having strong back muscles reduces your risk of self-injury and can improve posture over time. Having a strong back will also make daily activities less strenuous. If you suffer from back pain, this is usually a sign of muscular imbalances. Dr. Kent Carlomagno of Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center would like to suggest tips on how to strengthen your back muscles.
Stand with your back against a wall – shoulder blades pressed against it. Can you hold this position for the length of the “Happy Birthday” song? If not, this is a sign that your back muscles need some strengthening. Low impact exercises are most beneficial for strengthening the back and core. Whether you are at home or at the gym, try holding a plank for 10 seconds at a time, or hold it for as long as you can. Plank holds are an excellent way to strengthen your lower back muscles. You may also try back extensions, or cobra lifts as they also improve muscular balance.
If you have questions or concerns about back pain, please give us a call. To learn more about the conditions we treat and the services we provide at Summit Chiropractic Health and Longevity Center, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kent Carlomagno in San Rafael, CA, call 415-721-7520.
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