Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress

By now it is no surprise that stress can lead to real physical pain. With the everyday stressors that come with work and personal life, it can be hard not to tense up, even if it goes unnoticed at first. Here at Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center in San Rafael, CA, our patients’ health and happiness is our top priority. This is why we want to give tips on healthy ways to cope with stress for a happy life and a healthy body.

During stressful moments in life, we all know there are good ways to deal with it and bad ways. Yelling, being destructive, relying on substances like drugs and alcohol, or shutting out life are all poor ways to deal with stress that can lead to even more stress.

Thinking positively, relaxing, and participating in simple pleasures are healthy ways to deal with stress that promote problem solving. An example of positive thinking would be saying, “I can do this” instead of saying, “this is impossible”.  Participating in active relaxation involves shutting off your mind for a short time. Activities like meditation and yoga are great ways to focus on peace and connect with yourself. In addition, during particularly stressful moments, finding ways to diffuse that stress in the moment will help you make healthy decisions. Counting to ten, going for a walk, and taking a few deep breaths are sometimes all that is needed.

Stress can control mind and body if you allow it, but there are many healthy and enjoyable ways to control it. Here at Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center of San Rafael, CA, we offer chiropractic care as another form of physical stress relief. To schedule an appointment, call us at (415) 721-7520 or visit our website,

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