Tuesday, April 21, 2015


If you are suffering from sciatica, you know that the pain can travel from your lower back to your buttocks and hips to your legs and all the way to your feet. For some San Rafael, CA patients the pain can be so intense and constant that it impacts their quality of life. Fortunately, patients can find sciatica pain relief from Dr. Kent Carlomagno of Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center through spinal decompression therapy, gentle chiropractic adjustments and effective therapies such as microcurrent therapy.

The sciatica nerve is a long nerve that runs from the lower back to the feet. When irritated or inflamed, it can cause shooting pains that run the length of the nerve. The sciatica nerve can become irritated or inflamed for a number of reasons, including a herniated disk or bone spur that is compressing the nerve. Dr. Carlomagno helps reduce or eliminate the pain associated with sciatica in San Rafael, CA primarily through chiropractic manipulations and manipulations.

In addition to chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic massage is also a treatment that sciatica patients find extremely helpful for short-term and long-term sciatica pain relief. Dr. Carlomagno wants to remind patients that they need not suffer from sciatica pain because chiropractic care can help. Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center is accepting new patients for sciatica relief as a natural pain relief alternative.

To learn more on how you can experience sciatica pain relief, visit www.summitchiro.net or call Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center at (415) 721-7520 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kent Carlomagno in San Rafael, CA.

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