If having an X-ray done before your chiropractic treatment worries you, you should know that the FDA actually suggests not refusing X-rays. This is because the risk of not having an X-ray is greater than the small risk of exposure to radiation. X-rays allow chiropractors like Dr. Kent Carlomagno to determine that there are no fractures, cancer, malformations or other contraindications in your spine, ensuring that all chiropractic treatment performed is safe and not harmful. By studying your spine on X-ray before treatment, Dr. Carlomagno can provide effective adjustments that relieve your pain and increase your overall health in San Rafael, CA.
Although radiation is a valid concern, X-rays may not give off as much radiation as you think. In fact, flying long distances can actually expose you to more radiation than some X-rays, and a chest X-ray is typically only equal to the amount of radiation you would be exposed to in 10 days of your daily life. However, if you receive frequent X-rays, it can be smart to monitor your radiation exposure by recording how many X-rays you receive and how often. Be sure to take into account which body part is being X-rayed since different body tissues can absorb radiation in different ways.
X-rays of the arms and legs, or extremities, expose you to less radiation than chest X-rays, while lower torso X-rays exposes you to more radiation than chest X-rays. At Summit Chiropractic and Longevity Center, we mainly utilize spinal X-rays, which expose a patient to about 1.5 millisieverts of radiation or six months of normal background radiation. However, these X-rays are not performed frequently enough to put you at risk.
To schedule a chiropractic evaluation, call (415) 721-7520. For more information, please visit www.summitchiro.net.